Colossus vs Juggernaut Fight Scene Review

Colossus vs Juggernaut Deadpool Fight Scene Review

In this episode of Comic-Movie 10, the Kane brothers discuss the fight scene between Colossus and Juggernaut, found in the latest Deadpool movie. They also give insight into the history of these two arch rivals and explain how they have come to be the characters the world knows and loves.

Colossus, born Piotr Nikolaievitch “Peter Nicholas” Rasputin, was raised on a farm in Siberia. He became aware of his mutant powers when he rescued his sister from a tractor incident on his family’s property. After displaying his unusual strength, Professor X called on him to save the fate of the X-Men. As a result of this, Colossus became an imperative member of the X-Men team. Although he is the strongest among them, Colossus always shows how big his heart is by being a caring and empathetic character, who only fights when it is absolutely necessary.

Unlike his rival, Juggernaut has not always been so caring. Born Cain Marko, Juggernaut has always had a chip on his shoulder growing up, as his step brother Charles Xavier was given much more attention and care by his step father. While fighting alongside Charles and the rest of the American Army in Korea, Marko found himself inside of a temple, holding a ruby. This ruby had an inscription that explained he now held the power of the Juggernaut. When the temple collapsed on top of him, he was assumed dead, until he reappeared in an attempt to take down the X-Men. It is also important to understand that Juggernaut must wear his helmet, as it is the only thing protecting him from his one weakness- his brother Charles’ brain waves.

The Kane brothers then discuss the groundbreaking fight between these two characters in Dealpool 2, and how the possible Fox merger may impact all things X-Men and Avengers related. Joe and Dan mention their excitement at the possibility of a Juggernaut vs. Hulk fight in the future and question what your favorite fight would be. Leave your questions, comments, and opinions in the comments section after watching, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

marvel end credit scenes

Marvel Top 5 End Credit Scenes

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers list their top five favorite end credit scenes found in Marvel movies. Joe and Dan explain how these scenes give the viewers a private look into the future of Marvel movies. These brief minutes allow Marvel lovers an inside look into where the characters’ stories will take the world.

At the number five spot is the scene found at the end of X-Men Days of Future Past. This scene shows EN Sabah Nur controlling the ancient Egyptian pyramids as the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride into view. This is a chilling cinematic moment, as it not only sets the scene for the next X-Men movie, but it also allows viewers to infer how long these super-humans have been present in the world.

Coming in at number four is the Ferris Bueller scene at the end of the first Deadpool movie. The brothers acknowledge that of all the choices on their list, this is the only one that does not further the movie’s plot line. However they feel that it pokes fun at pop culture, and the Marvel’s world, and sets the characters up for the sequel that was to come.

Third place on the list is reserved for the scene following Avenger’s Age of Ultron. In this clip, viewers see Thanos putting on the gauntlet for the first time. For any real comic lovers in the world, this is an extremely impactful moment. Those who are familiar with the older comics know that this certainly shifts the Marvel’s universe forever, as Thanos makes the decision to work independently. As can be seen in the most recent Avenger’s movie, Infinity War, Thanos’ decision in that moment changes everything.

At second place, the Kane brothers have selected the Shwarma scene following the first Avengers movie. The Avengers are sitting around a table eating after a huge battle. No one says a word, but the viewers are able to see these god-like characters with humanistic qualities for a change. They appear hungry and exhausted, and it really hits home with those who watch it. Also, there is something interesting about one of the characters, as he is the only one who is not eating. Make sure to watch this episode to find out why, and let the brothers know if you have ever noticed this fact before.

Lastly, in first place is the Avenger’s Initiative scene at the end of Iron Man. During this scene Nick Fury tells Tony Stark that he is not the only one out there. Although this seems like such a simple moment, it is really the beginning of the Avenger’s existence. This single moment set up the Marvel’s film industry and is continuing to impact the Avengers’ fate over a decade later.

Do you feel there are any more credit scenes that should have made the list? After watching, let the Kane brothers know where your opinions vary, or have similarities. Let them know your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

deadpool 2 trailer review

Deadpool 2 Trailer Review & Spoilers

On tonight’s episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers will be discussing the most recent trailer for the highly anticipated Deadpool 2, staring Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds is known both on screen and off for his sense of humor, and ability to poke fun at everyone, including himself.  The original Deadpool was another example of Reynolds’ off collar humor, and the latest trailer for the sequel proves Deadpool 2 will be no different.

Joe and Dan explain all the ways that both Deadpool films have broken and continue to break barriers. They examine how this Marvel film is the first to be simultaneously R-rated and comical, as well as how Deadpool 2 marks the first time in history that a Marvel film has acknowledged the DC universe. Reynolds’ character also makes many nods to individuals in the film industry, including his own character from X-Men.

This episode of Comic Movie-10 also examines the characters introduced on the trailer, including Terry Crews as Bedlam, the return of Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Julian Dennison’s character, a child named Russell, who raises a lot of questions about the plot of the story. The Kane boys also question what the upcoming X-force movie might mean in terms of possible cameos for Deadpool 2. Lastly, Dan mentions an interesting portion of the trailer that leaves viewers with a cliffhanger.

Let the Kane brothers know what you think of the Deadpool 2 trailer, and their opinions on the direction of this movie! Leave your questions, comments, and opinions below, and be sure to tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.