Bruce Wayne to Btatman

How Will Gotham’s Bruce Wayne Become Batman?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers discuss the season 4 finale of Gotham, as well as their expectations and predictions for season five. Unfortunately, Gotham has only been picked up for ten episodes for the upcoming season 5. However, the good news is that the ending of seasons four ensures what is to come will be exciting and interesting.

At the end of season four, viewers see Bruce Wayne take full ownership over the city of Gotham, as he shows he feels responsible to stay and help save the city that is engulfed in chaos. Alfred, a former MI-6, who has trained Bruce in many ways, plans to escape the city and bring Bruce with him. However, Bruce says he feels he must stay and help the citizens of Gotham. In addition, Captain Gordon sends a symbol and afterward meets with Bruce on a rooftop. This is not only a major instance of foreshadowing, but also exciting for those who are true Batman fans.

The completion of the fourth season causes viewers to wonder what will happen next. In almost every version of Batman’s story, Bruce Wayne goes away for years to train in order to become the Dark Knight. Joe and Dan point out that Bruce’s training from Alfred is likely not enough to prepare him to become Batman. Does this mean season five will depict the training he endures, or will they jump ahead in time in order to show Bruce after his full transformation to Batman? The brothers point out that they could jump ahead and use flashbacks to show important portions of his training. This might make sense considering Bruce is currently in his late teenage years, where Batman is typically in his mid-twenties. In addition, the brothers question if Ra’s al Ghul will have a part in Bruce’s learning experience. Although he is assumed dead, viewers cannot be totally sure, and his involvement would be fitting.

Another interesting point to mention is that Gotham is known to be loosely based off of the Batman Zero Years comics, so Bruce’s path in Gotham could be similar to his route in the original comic books.

Lastly, the Kane brothers explain their feelings about the conclusion of the series Smallville (with Clark Kent only showing his Superman shirt under his button down, but never actually acting as Superman), and how they hope Gotham does not end this way, although there is the possibility that it could. Both Joe and Dan agree that this type of ending would not give justice to the anticipation that has built over many seasons, just as the ending of Smallville was in many ways disappointing.

How did you feel about the finale of Smallville? What about Gotham’s season four finale? What are your predictions for season five? Let the brothers know by leaving your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

Nora Allen Flash Season 5

How Will Nora Allen Effect The Flash Season 5?

This episode of Comic Movie-10 focuses on Nora Allen’s appearance on the season four finale of The Flash, entitled “We are Flash”. Although viewers have seen her three earlier times on this season, it is not until this final episode that it is understood who this mystery girl is. Nora is in fact, Barry Allen, and Iris West Allen’s adult daughter who has traveled from the future. What is still unclear however, is how and why she has come back in time.

The three earlier times that Nora is seen are during the crossover event, when she spills coffee at the local coffee house, and when she brings baby gifts for Joe and Cecile’s baby. The director of The Flash has indicated that he intends to flesh out each of these instances during season five in order to explain why Nora was present for these moments. The Kane brothers make note of the fact that Nora looks very different in each moment she is present on the show. Her hair and overall style appear very differently, which might lend itself to the fact that she is traveling from different times. They question whether she does or does not have control of her time traveling and what could be so important that she feels she must go back in time to warn and help her family.

According to the original comics, Barry and Iris had twins, named Don and Dawn. This leaves viewers questioning if she is one of the twins, but with a different name, and if so, where is her twin brother? Or perhaps, they have made the characters have twin daughters instead, which begs the question, where is her twin sister? Have we already seen her, and not actually seen Nora all four times? Does that explain why she has a different style each time we see her? Of course the writers could have decided to break from tradition, doing away with the concept of twins, and having Barry and Iris have only one daughter, Nora. These are all questions that are begging to be answered, and will no doubt be addressed during season five. However, in the meantime, the Kane brothers want to hear your theories. Leave your comments, questions, and opinions in the comments section, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

Defenders vs Arrowverse Croosover Episodes

Marvel Defenders vs DC Comics Arrowverse – Who Does Crossovers Better?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers compare two different crossover events in the comic book world. They will be discussing Netflix’s take on Marvel with The Defenders, vs. The CW’s take on DC with The Arrowverse.

Although DC has typically had a reputation for being more dark and serious, while Marvel was always less so, Netflix and CW seem to have reversed this. It is easy to see that Netflix’s The Defenders is very dark and serious, while The CW’s Arrowverse is much more campy, and less serious. The brothers also explore how the different characters of each show come together to fight crime. They examine if the connections are realistic and if the relationships are complex enough to be believable. The Defenders centers around only four shows- Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, while the Arrowverse incorporates many, many more shows and characters, including Arrow, Flash, Vixen, Constantine and Supergirl.

Listen in to hear which crossover was more successful in Joe and Dan’s opinions. See if the brothers agree or disagree with each other, and weigh in on where you stand! After watching, let Joe and Dan know what you think. Leave your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

How Will Black Lightning Fit Into the Arrowverse?

How Will Black Lightning Fit Into the Arrowverse?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers delve into the world of Black Lightning with the intension of understanding how this phenomenal show may tie into the Arrowverse. Black Lightning and his alter ego Jefferson Pierce is played by actor Cress Williams.

Although Pierce gave up being the superhero, when the drug Green Light began destroying his neighborhood, Black Lightning decided to return to his job of protecting the community. Similarly to his night job, Pierce attempts to save the neighborhood during the day as the principal of the local high school. The show is very compelling and shows the constant fight between Black Lightning and the antagonist, Tobias Whale. Whale uses the people of the community for experimentation without regard to the side affects. In this sense, Tobias Whale serves as a foil for Black Lightning’s character.

The Kane brothers dive deep into theories surrounding how this show, which is rougher around the edges than the Arrowverse shows, might fit into the same world. The most basic connection revolves around the fact that similarly to other shows, Black Lightning has metahumans. This might imply that some of the Arrowverse shows could possibly be set in the same universe as Black Lightning. There is also the fact that Pierce’s youngest daughter made comments to her mother after learning of her own super powers. These comments alluded to the fact that people in Black Lightning’s life are aware of both Vixen and Supergirl’s existence.

DC Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Finale

DC Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Finale

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers will discuss the season three finale of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, titled “The Good, The Bad, and The Cuddly”. The boys explain how the beginning of the finale was extremely emotional as Rip Hunter’s character sacrifices himself for the others, so they would be able to escape to salvation. Upon doing this however, they run into many of the villains they have fought throughout the season, which obviously causes conflicts for them. It is not until Sara’s character cracks a joke that the tone of the finale causes viewers to feel the more comical mood expected from Legends of Tomorrow.


The topic of Damien Darhk is also discussed. Joe and Dan explain how his path over the last few episodes has allowed viewers to see Darhk in a different light, and many of the people watching from home actually feel empathy toward his character. They discuss how his character’s choices in the finale will potentially impact the series moving forward into the fourth season.

Another character that is a major focal point of the finale is Beebo, and the brothers tackle their emotions regarding the choice to bring this character into the show, especially considering Beebo is not an original character from the comics. Lastly, Joe and Dan share their opinions on Constantine officially joining the cast as a regular character and how he has been able to stay true to himself, even in the silly world of Legends.

Let the brothers know your own thoughts on the season finale. After watching, decide if you agree or disagree with the information they have shared. Leave your comments, questions, and opinions below, and be sure to tune in next time to see the latest episode of Comic Movie-10!

Why Was Wonder Woman A Hit

Why Was The Wonder Woman Movie A Hit?

This episode of Comic Movie-10 addresses the latest interpretation of Wonder Woman. In 2017, the movie Wonder Woman was released, and although fans of the DC Universe had seen Gal Gadot’s cameo in Batman vs. Superman, the world was really unsure what this new movie would be about.

Much to DC fans’ pleasure, Dot proved herself to be an incredible leading lady. What is even more impressive is that the movie is full of female power, as a female directs it, and the story line circulates entirely around a female in the leading role as a superhero. The Kane brothers agree that the writing and delivery of the story are incredible, and the information presented is historically accurate and interesting. The movie displays high action and intense, real emotion. Joe and Dan explain how this film has really surpassed many of the other DC movies and they speculate on why that might be. They also address how much money the film brought in, and compare that to other DC movies.

Have you watched Wonder Woman yet? Let the Kanes know, and leave your comments, questions, and opinions below. Be sure to tune in next time to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

Why Is Willa Holland Leaving Arrow?

Why Is Willa Holland Leaving Arrow?

During this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers address the recent news that Willa Holland has made the decision to leave Arrow.  For the last five and a half seasons, Willa Holland has lent her acting skills to play Thea Queen (also known as Speedy). Thea is Oliver Queen’s little sister. As fans learned about Speedy’s background, they learned she struggled with some very serious addiction issues. Her substance abuse issues allowed viewers to see Oliver play a nurturing role as he helped his sister during her recovery.

However, it should be noted that Thea has not always been the damsel in distress, as she can clearly hold her own as evident through the series. Joe and Dan discuss the ways Thea and Oliver’s relationship has impacted the show, and how Thea’s substance abuse issues relate to the original comics which first tackled this controversial topic.

Holland’s character has shown great growth throughout the series and this episode highlights all of the ways Thea’s character has overcome person problems in addition to those already mentioned. Her character also introduces a love story to the show as viewers watch her relationship with Roy Harper.

So why is such a beloved character leaving the show? Well the Kane brothers address this topic and make implications as to what her exit might mean for the continuation of the series. Noting that Holland’s character has not been killed off, the brothers make speculations about the possible return of Speedy. Joe and Dan also discuss how her costar, Stephen Amell, has reacted to the news of her departure.

Listen in to find out about this information and more. Let Joe and Dan know your questions, concerns, comments and opinions. As always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10 to learn more insight about all things comic related!

Justice League Box Office Bomb

Why Justice League Bombed At The Box Office

This week, on Comic Movie-10, Joe and Dan Kane discuss the most recent DC comic movie Justice League, which is widely regarded as a flop at the box office. During this podcast, the brothers give their possible explanations for why this movie bombed in its nearly three-month run and why DC movies, in general, have paled in comparison to the recent Marvel films.

Both Joe and Dan agree that DC has released some incredible movies, including Tim Burton’s version of Batman, and the most recent Batman franchise, The Dark Knight. However, it is noticeably obvious that since the conclusion of The Dark Knight trilogy, DC has failed to present the same excitement to their audiences. Justice League is just another example of the many DC movies that have not been well received.

One theory explored in this episode is that unlike DC, Marvel films have managed to become completely connected. The brothers point out how DC films feel disjointed from one another, as their characters and their worlds never collide. The belief here is that DC films are bound to fail when compared to Marvel films. This is because viewers enjoy the consistency between Marvel movies, which allow them to track their favorite comic book characters from one movie to the next, or even one television series to the next.

Another theory that is contemplated is the fact that Justice League had two separate directors. Zack Snyder began directing the film, however he left half way through, citing personal reasons. Joss Whedon then replaced Snyder. Although both directors are talented and well respected, each man has his own style and this could have certainly contributed to the feelings of disjunction in the movie.

Lastly, Joe and Dan explore their feelings toward the introduction of new characters, and the absence of classic comic book characters that have long been fan favorites. They discuss how this may not be a major issue for those who are not true fans of the old school comics, but how regardless, the new characters’ lack of depth leads to a dull presentation.

The Kane brothers are interested in hearing your opinions on the movie and their theories, along with your own. After watching, be sure to leave your comments, opinions, and questions, and as always, make sure to tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

DC Legends of Tomorrow

DC Legends of Tomorrow, the Ups and Downs

This week, brothers Joe and Dan dive into the arrowverse. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it is the fictional world revolving around DC comic characters on various shows appearing on the CW network. This episode of the Comic Movie-10 podcast focuses in on the show DC Legends of Tomorrow, which pulls character from these different shows and brings them together into one. Legends of Tomorrow is currently in the middle of its third season and has mixed reviews from the Kane brothers.

Some of the positives aspects of the show include the possibility of anything
happening, as well-liked B-list characters that are not often given the airtime the main
characters are allotted, are finally given their own story lines. Many of the brothers’
favorite characters have appeared on the show. Some of the interesting crossovers include
Sara Lance and Dr. Ray Palmer (The Atom) from Arrow, along with both halves of
Firestorm (Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein) from Flash, in addition to Snart and Mick
from Prison Break (which is potentially the most surprising and exciting cross over to

Although there are many parts of the story that do not allow it to function
cohesively, including inconsistency among writers, and corny story lines for characters
such as Brandon Routh’s Ray Palmer, there is enough interest in the characters
independently to help viewers keep their dedication to the show. Some of the characters
that really stand out include Damien Darhk’s character, who does his job so well that
viewers sincerely hate the villainous character, and Amaya Jiwe (Vixen) played by Maisi Richardson-Sellers, whose story is incredibly entertaining. In addition, writers use Victor
Garber’s character, Martin Stein, to create one of the most powerful moments in the
series to date.

Have you watched Legends of Tomorrow yet? Watch the Kane brothers’ take on
the series to decide if you want to start watching, or if you already have, if you agree with
their interpretations. Once you have finished watching, leave questions and comments to
let the brothers know what you think, and be sure to tune in next time, for the newest
episode of Comic Movie-10.