Archives 2018

the history of aquaman

The History of Aquaman – An Unpopular Superhero Gets Movie Debut in 2018

The history of Aquaman was the topic of discussion on this episode of Comic Movie-10. The Kane brothers gave a narrative of the evolution of this once odd and unpopular superhero to the most recent, and clearly more interesting character played by Jason Momoa.

Aquaman had always been a lesser-known character, catching “flack” throughout the years. Created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger, his name is Arthur Curry and he is the King of Atlantis. He first appeared in More Fun Comics in November of 1941. His only apparent superhero skill was that he could talk to the fish. He wore the orange and green and according to Dan, he was “no one’s favorite.” Everyone liked either Batman or Superman, but if Aquaman was your favorite, you had issues.

The Superfriends series came out in the late ‘50’s and early ‘60’s. The brothers recall watching the reruns. Joe pointed out that Aquaman was “sort of dorky.” It almost seemed as though the writers had to figure out a way to get him to go with the other superheroes. It wasn’t a natural fit.

In the late ‘50’s comics he became one of the founding members of the Justice League and stayed as such over the next few decades. Aquaman was in a number of Justice League movies, where, according to Dan he “maintained the role of the weirdo for a long time.
In 2011, D.C. produced a new series of 52 Justice League comic books that would be published on a monthly basis. It was here that Aquaman began to wear the yellow and green, displayed more armor, and became muscular. He was a cooler character, more durable, super strong with tough skin. Now, Joe said, he would be a “Formidable Foe.” Dan agreed that now he was a “more serious character.” Superhero fans could relate to this character.

Still able to communicate with marine life, he could now control anything connected with the sea. His abilities stretched outside of the water, and included telepathy with other animals, which could help him out of threatening situations.
Joe and Dan discussed the fact that the character had appeared in Smallville and that this was the first time there was a live action Aquaman. He was played by Alan Ritchson. He wore an orange hoodie and in a departure from the comic, was an Olympic diver.
The creator of Smallville had produced an Aquaman pilot in 2006, which never aired. Justin Hartley played the role. He had also been Green Arrow in Smallville.

This brought the Kane brothers to the newest version of Aquaman. Joe stated that no one could say Jason Momoa is a dork. Dan agreed that the character had been completely reinvented. He went on to say that regardless of what you think of the Justice League movies, Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), and Jason Momoa were the two highlights.

The release date for Aquaman is December 14, 2018. Joe wants to know what you think will happen in the movie and Dan wants to know if there is anyone out there who is a fan of the old orange and green rendition. Let them know by leaving your comments, questions, and opinions and don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

Fancasting: Who Should Be In The Next Green Lantern Movie?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, Joe and Dan discuss who they think would make the best candidates for casting as new Green Lantern characters, John Stewart, and Hal Jordan. They believe the creation of a film, featuring Green Lantern, or including one as part of the Justice League is overdue.

Green Lantern Favorites List

One of their favorites for the John Stewart character includes Idris Elba. Elba has played more than one super hero and having been killed off in the Marvel Universe, the timing may be perfect.

Both Joe and Dan enthusiastically agreed that a great choice for the role would also be Michael B. Jordan. They gave high praise for his role as the human torch and Dan expressed the sentiment that he was “Fantastic.” Both also thought his performance in Black Panther was “awesome.”

Another of their choices for the John Stewart role is Henry Simmons who is still currently playing the role of Mack on Agents of Shield. Some Marvel fans might not be pleased to see him go and he is expected to be on the show for at least another season. Joe describes him as the perfect “bad ass,” or “ruffian with great appeal.”

Who Should play Hal Jordan?

The Kanes moved on to discuss who they felt would best fill the role of Hal Jordan. This character needs to be likable but with an edge and a heart of gold. Topping the list and filling these requirements was Jensen Ackles, currently playing Dean Winchester in the CW series Supernatural. He was the voice of “Red Hood,” and has a fun persona that would well suit the role of Green Lantern.

John Krasinski , “needs to be a comic book hero,” according to the brothers. Joe and Dan admit to naming this star of the new series Jack Ryan, several times for many castings.

What About Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern?

Getting a pass for his previous role as Green Lantern is Ryan Reynolds. The movie was bad, not the actor and he could be given another shot at the spot, as long as it didn’t preclude his continued portrayal as Dead Pool. The Kane brothers are obvious fans of this actor as well as that of Bradley Cooper. He knocked it out of the park as the voice of Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy. Both fit the bill for good guy with rough edges.

Joe and Dan concluded with, “No CGI costumes for Green Lantern!”

Do you agree or disagree with Joe and Dan? Who else would make a great Green Lantern? How would you rate the stars the brothers have chosen? Leave your questions, comments, opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker, New Set Photos

Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker, New Set Photos

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, Joe and Dan discuss the upcoming film featuring Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. Unlike the Heath Ledger version some footage has already been released, sparking some excitement and discussion.\

Joaquin Phoenix Joker Makeup

In this case, Joker appears to be something of a cross between the Heath Ledger presentation, with his hair, but leaning a bit more toward the Cesar Romero rendition. They discuss the new makeup focusing on two aspects. Joe points out that blue triangles are used around the eyes with one pulling down into almost a teardrop. Dan thought all of this was fine but disliked the red nose. He admits that it is a minor issue for him. One he will eventually get over as very insignificant. Christopher Nolan had kept the Ledger makeup under wraps so that the presentation of the movie and acting took place at the same time. This is not the case with this new movie. So, there is a greater opportunity to anticipate the artistic impact.

Dan’s other concern is that this new Joker should not be a rip off of the Ledger performance. Joe isn’t so concerned with this as he is confident that Joaquin Phoenix will deliver something original.

The Killing Joke

It is pointed out that this is a movie about Joker’s origin that hearkens back to the great graphic novel, The Killing Joke. There is a scene that takes place in front of the Amusement Mile, and it appears to be a tribute to this comic. The action in The Killing Joke was set almost exclusively in an amusement park. Joe points out that this Joker has no chemical burns, and no physical scars. These are all psychological as this is a story of origin.

This movie is a “non cannon” DCU. They are calling it DC Black. In other words it will stand alone, unlike the recent Marvel’s movies that are connected and continuations. Joe and Dan are fine with this. They agree that it may be time for such a movie for DC. Perhaps it is better not to copy Marvel.

Joe asked Dan if there were any characters that he would enjoy seeing as cameos. Dan thought that anyone from The Killing Joke would be worth seeing. Getting the back-story on Alfred was what Joe thought would be interesting.

Some actors to look forward to seeing in this film are Robert DeNiro as a comedian, Zazzy Beets as Sophie Dumond and Brett Cullen as Thomas Wayne.

As always, the Kane’s ask what you think and invite you to contrubute. Leave your questions, comments, opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

Will Daredevil Season 3 Follow the Comic Book Arc?

Will Daredevil Season 3 Follow the Comic Book Arc?

The central question for this episode of Comic Movie-10 is whether or not Daredevil writer Erik Oleson will be true to his word and deviate from the storyline of the comic book or will there be elements of the Miller/Mazzucchelli story arch? Joe and Dan make some observations based on the 1986 Daredevil Reborn Again comic book.

Daredevil Reborn Again Comic

They discuss the fact that the specifics leading up to what would be Reborn Again appeared at the end of Defenders. They describe the camera shot of Matt Murdock in bed, bandaged torso, and being nursed back to health, pointing out that it is the exact, classic panel from the Miller/Mazzucchelli comic Reborn Again. Other Frank Miller stories have used the exact panels from the comics. So, while this might tinker with the timeline its not all that strange. In fact, the appearance of the panel in Defenders might simply pay homage to the 1986 comic book.

Daredevil Season 2 Recap

Dan explains that the character of Karen Page is central to the development of the story. As has already occurred in Daredevil Season 2, she left Nelson and Murdock to pursue an acting career. Ending up in Mexico, she becomes heroine addicted and a porn-star. In order to obtain drug money she reveals that Matt Murdock is Daredevil. This information eventually finds its way to Kingpin, who proceeds to make life hell for Murdock.

Kingpin freezes his assets, and has him disbarred. Murdock becomes homeless, is beaten half to death and thrown in the East River. He makes his way to Hell’s Kitchen where he is nursed back to health by a nun who is none other than his mother. Dan and Joe appreciate the character of Karen Page as she lends a dark dimension to the show, of the pure character, corrupted by the events as they unfold.

Daredevil Season 3 Release Date

The reason Oleson gives for departing with the storyline of the comic book is so that he can give a greater development to the characters. Joe questions why it is not possible to do that while following the events as they occur in the comic book.

Returning to the show as Kingpin will be Vincent D’Onofrio, with a larger role. Daredevil Season 3 will be released October 19th, on Netflix.

Joe and Dan want to know what you think. Will Murdock’s mother be in the show? Will Oleson actually stick more closely to the comic book arc than he has claimed he would do? Leave your comments, questions, and opinions. As always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

DC Universe Mobile App Review

Is The DC Universe App Trouble For Fans?

In this episode of Comic Movie-10 the Kane brothers discussed the pros and cons of the development of a new DC Universe App. There appeared to be a modest number of pros and an overwhelming number of cons as far as they were concerned.

The app is brand new and will have classic films, classic television shows, comic books that can be downloaded and more. The problem is that many viewers watch their comic series on television stations, and Netflix. It was pointed out that a few shows do appear on other services.

DC Titans on the Mobile App

There is a show that will be premiered on the DC Universe App called DC Titans. Initially, slated to appear on Netflix, this is apparently not the case. So far, it will still be broadcast on Netflix outside of the US, but here it will be on the app.

Dan stated that DC Titans seems to be a much darker type of show. He is excited to see it but is disappointed that it won’t be on Netflix. He asks the question that seems central to their concerns. “If I don’t get the app what am I being excluded from?”

Will the DC Universe App Cost Fans?

There is supposed to be a free trial period, followed by a monthly or yearly fee. A Harley Quinn show, a Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol and other shows many fans would be interested in seeing will be available through the app. It all sounds great but Dan is afraid that other organizations will do this then it would be necessary to pay for several apps to keep up on all of the entertainment that the public has become accustomed to watching on Netflix and regular television stations like the CW. Joe points out that with Netflix it used to be a “one stop shop,” but this could change all that. The app will also include a collectable shop.

Another concern is that they may begin to pull shows from the CW. Joe and Dan asked how it would affect the viewing of comic movies and regular television series? What if viewers have watched Arrow and The Flash as they have been broadcast on television and now can’t see them unless they purchase the app?

However, on a positive note there will be shows such as the Tim Burton Batman, and other classic comic presentations making it easier to view them.

Cartoon movies that once went directly to Netflix will no longer do this. Instead they will go to the app. Dan wondered how this would do with the ratings. Would people keep up with it? Seven years ago, most people didn’t have Netflix. Now it’s fairly common.

Joe asked the question, “Is this app revolutionary or an inconvenience?” For now, the boys agree it’s an inconvenience, though they admit they will subscribe. They want your opinion. Do you agree with them? What do you think of the DC Universe app? Is this a good thing or not? Leave your questions, comments, opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

Batman vs The Dark Knight

Batman (1989) vs The Dark Knight Movie Matchup

In this episode of Comic Movie – 10, the Kane brothers discuss the similarities and differences of the iconic films, Batman (1989), and The Dark Knight (2008). They focus not just on the classic comparison of the two Jokers but on the structure, as well as the diverse approach of each Batman.

What Did The Dark Knight Steal From Tim Burton’s Batman?

Joe and Dan point out that there were parallel key moments in both movies raising the question as to whether Christopher Nolan looked back to the Tim Burton version and included these significant events in The Dark Knight. It seems it would have been impossible to ignore Burton’s rendition since it was the most successful Batman movie as of 1989. Some of the key points include the kidnapping of Batman’s love interest in both instances and Batman’s mission to save her from the psychotic clown. Vicky Vale was abducted from the museum and Rachel Dawes from the party. This is where Batman and the Joker, in both movies, come face to face. According to Dan, there may be no greater adversity between hero and villain in all of comic book and movie storyline. Another common point in the two movies is the climax that occurs in the street, where each Joker displays his antisocial malevolence.

Jack Nicholson vs Heath Ledger as The Joker

Of course, the discussion includes the obvious comparisons between Jack Nicholson’s Joker and that of Heath Ledger. Nicholson’s Joker was a clown who murdered people. Ledger was a killer who happened to be a clown, rendering this version more frightening. Commissioner Gordon is unable to assess what drives Ledger’s Joker. Alfred, played by Michael Caine said of Ledger’s Joker, “He’s just there to watch the world burn.” Conversely, Nicholson’s Joker demonstrates an agenda. Like most bad guys, he wants power, money, women and revenge. Ledger’s Joker wants chaos. His goal is the destruction of societal norms in favor of anarchy. The Batman Joker wants to be “your” boss. The Dark Knight Joker wants to own “you.”

Michael Keaton vs Christian Bale as Batman

Joe and Dan go on to point out the differences in each Batman. The Michael Keaton Batman, wanted revenge for the murder of his parents. The Christian Bale Batman, wanted to save Rachel Dawes, Harvey Dent and Gotham City. He was clearly the more moral character. In Batman (1989), he states that he will kill the Joker and does. In both films the villain is left dangling from a grappling hook. It is not the intention of The Dark Knight to kill, despite the outcome.

In the end, Batman (1989) is the revered hero. He kills the villain, gets the girl and saves the day. In the Dark Knight he loses the girl, fails Harvey Dent, who becomes two-face. Batman (2008) ends up on the wrong side of the law regardless of having saved the soul of Gotham. Joe sees him as more truly the hero.

Do you agree or disagree with Joe and Dan? How do you think the two movies compare? Leave your questions, comments, opinions, and as always, tune in for the next episode of Comic Movie-10.

live action brainiac

Did We Finally Get A Good Live Action Brainiac?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers discuss the recent live action versions of Brainiac. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the character, he is one of the most well known villains in Superman throughout the original comics. He first appeared in Action Comics #242 in July of 1958, and his first appearance on television was in the cartoon New Adventures of Superman in 1966. While he is Superman’s main adversary, there are different variations of where Brainiac has come from; some stories indicate that he is from a new planet and he is the collector of worlds, while others explain he was created by Krypton to destroy Superman. It was not until 1996 that Joe and Dan recall seeing Brainiac on television when he was featured on Superman The Animated Series, looking similar to Mr. Freeze.

Although there have been a few live action versions of Brainiac, it is apparent that until 2018 there were not any great portrayals that were true to the comics. The first instance of a live action Brainiac was on Smallville, played by James Marsters. He was able to morph into things and his fingers could touch people’s brains. While these factors came from the comics, he did not look at all like what fans would have expected Brainiac to look like.

He made his next live action appearance on Supergirl, however he is a friend from the future who comes back in time to warn them of dangers they are going to be faced with. This relates to Brainiac 5, who is the leader of The Legion of Superheroes and acts as a friend to Superman. Supergirl did have another visitor, named Brainiac 8, which followed the characteristics of the original Brainiac as a villain, however 8 was a female, and blue, rather than the classic green color.

It was not until 2018 that the world saw a live action Brainiac that was true to his comic roots. The television show Krypton featured the actor Blake Ritson to accomplish this task. Ritson’s character spent the beginning of the season sending his brain waves to a human, which indicated to viewers that he was on his way. This is known as the Voice of Rao. When he did finally appear, he was green and had the exact look of the Brainiac that is so well known from the comics. This version of Brainiac supposedly originated from a foreign planet and he is a collector of worlds. Both Joe and Dan have positive feelings about this portrayal, and say they would love to see Brainiac’s character in a cinematic picture.

Had you previously heard of Brainiac? What are your opinions on the various versions of this character? Leave your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

Henry Cavill Out As Superman

Who Cares if Henry Cavill & Ben Affleck Leave the DCEU?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers discuss the recent news about Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck leavening the DCEU. These two are currently playing Superman and Batman respectively. Joe and Dan recall growing up with these beloved characters and vent some frustrations with the recent portrayals in the current run of movies such as Superman “Man Of Steel”, “Batman V Superman” and The Justice League”.

Pointing out many highlights from the franchise so far, they go on to site the success of the Wonder Woman movie. Although some of the other films that are in the DCEU have not had the box office power that that film did by no means were any of them flops.

There are also many movies to come from DC such as Wonder Woman 84, A Flash movie and this December the Aquaman Movie. Keeping the train rolling for the universe are there any signs of a total reboot. One option that was talked about was just plainly starting over. The downside to that was losing actors that have already proven themselves in the films. Joe and Dan site how Gal Gadot and Jason Mamoa have knocked it out of the park and they can’t wait to see more from them. Rebooting the series would be a giant mistake to lose the rest of the characters. They do say that they look forward to seeing more of Ezra Millers Flash.

There rumors of the departure originate from several different places. First is that Ben Affleck has become a liability to the studio due to him reentering rehab for the third time. Henry Cavill posted a video on his Instagram showing him raising up and lowering a Superman doll to the tune of “Blue Danube” performed by barking dogs. “In our opinions neither of these things should warrant a rumor of them leaving, what is this middle school?”

The brothers discuss the possible additions to the Justice League that could possibly save the run such as Green Lantern, Martian Man Hunter and the Green Arrow. The Curiosity is if they add other characters would this keep the franchise running.

Do you have a possible solution for Warner Brothers? What are your thoughts on the possible departures of the actors from the series? Leave your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

henry cavill as batman

Would Henry Cavill Make a Better Batman?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers are discussing Henry Cavill and his portrayal of Superman. Cavill has played Superman in Man of Steel, and all the recent DCU Superman films. While there is no doubt that Cavill is in top physical shape and a great actor, the Kane brothers feel he might not be the best choice for the iconic role.

To start, Joe and Dan toss around the idea that Cavill would likely be a much better Batman. Why? This is because Superman is typically seen as a “boy scout” type of guy. He is kind and calm and willing to talk through problems, only fighting when it is absolutely necessary. Cavill’s character however is buff and dark with more of an attitude than the world has ever seen in Superman.

Although Superman has a pretty classic look, Joe points out that in The Animated Series, Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent looked basically identical except for the fact that one had glasses, while the other did not. Dan also explains that Clark Kent’s character does not necessarily need to be big and bulky, as his strength comes from the fact that the sun powers him, having come from another planet. Bruce Wayne on the other hand, is expected to be physically fit. For these reasons, along with others, the brothers believe Cavill would be more successful as a Batman than most of the recent Batmans, including Ben Affleck. It should be noted that while there have been Batmans who did not have serious personalities, they were not widely successful in the way others were.

In addition to taking a look at Affleck’s version of Batman, the brothers explain that if this new version of a rougher Superman did not exist, it is likely that Batman vs. Superman would have never existed. The Superman that most of us are familiar with would have talked out his issues with Batman and resolved the fight before getting physical. One major reason that both Superman and Batman have remained crowd favorites throughout the years is that they serve as foils for one another. Cavill’s version of Superman eliminates this aspect.

What do you think of Henry Cavill’s Superman? Would he make a better Bruce Wayne? Leave your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!

thanos snap

How Does The Thanos Snap Affect the Marvel Universe?

On this episode of Comic Movie-10, the Kane brothers explore how connected the Marvel universe really is in the aftermath of Thanos’ snap. They begin by explaining how so much of the MCU is intertwined and connected, but how this does not seem to be the case in terms of the Marvel shows popping up on Netflix.

Overall, it is clear that Thanos’ snap does not impact the Marvel Netflix world in the way it shakes up the big screen Marvel characters. In addition to seeing the initial downfall of many characters in Infinity War, the more recent Ant Man sequel uses its credit scene to connect the film’s characters to the snap.

Joe and Dan explain that there have only been two Marvel Netflix shows that have had seasons released after Infinity War, which might explain the lack of connection between the Netflix characters, and the earth shattering event that took place thanks to Thanos. The two shows that have premiered are S.H.I.E.L.D. season five and the second season of Luke Cage. While S.H.I.E.L.D. did make mention of an attack in New York that can be connected to the snap, it does not allow viewers to experience the immense impact that was felt in Marvel’s cinematic world. It is also worth mentioning that there are zero connections in Luke Cage season two to the events that transpired in Infinity War, although there have been general references to the Avengers throughout the series, which indicates that they do know of each others’ existence.

The Kane brothers end this episode by pointing out that the time lines of each story are important to consider, as it must be figured out when the events of each situation have taken place in regard to the other stories in the MCU. They also pose the question of who is responsible for connecting each story and do the writers, directors, and producers across the board have to ask permission from each other. Season two of Iron Fist is the next Marvel Netflix show to come out with an expected release date in September. Joe and Dan are waiting eagerly to see if there will be any connections to Thanos’ snap and if so, how the connections will be carried out.

Do you believe the entire MCU is connected, including the Netflix versions? Leave your comments, questions, and opinions, and as always, tune in to the next episode of Comic Movie-10!