DC Legends of Tomorrow

DC Legends of Tomorrow, the Ups and Downs


This week, brothers Joe and Dan dive into the arrowverse. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it is the fictional world revolving around DC comic characters on various shows appearing on the CW network. This episode of the Comic Movie-10 podcast focuses in on the show DC Legends of Tomorrow, which pulls character from these different shows and brings them together into one. Legends of Tomorrow is currently in the middle of its third season and has mixed reviews from the Kane brothers.

Some of the positives aspects of the show include the possibility of anything
happening, as well-liked B-list characters that are not often given the airtime the main
characters are allotted, are finally given their own story lines. Many of the brothers’
favorite characters have appeared on the show. Some of the interesting crossovers include
Sara Lance and Dr. Ray Palmer (The Atom) from Arrow, along with both halves of
Firestorm (Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein) from Flash, in addition to Snart and Mick
from Prison Break (which is potentially the most surprising and exciting cross over to

Although there are many parts of the story that do not allow it to function
cohesively, including inconsistency among writers, and corny story lines for characters
such as Brandon Routh’s Ray Palmer, there is enough interest in the characters
independently to help viewers keep their dedication to the show. Some of the characters
that really stand out include Damien Darhk’s character, who does his job so well that
viewers sincerely hate the villainous character, and Amaya Jiwe (Vixen) played by Maisi Richardson-Sellers, whose story is incredibly entertaining. In addition, writers use Victor
Garber’s character, Martin Stein, to create one of the most powerful moments in the
series to date.

Have you watched Legends of Tomorrow yet? Watch the Kane brothers’ take on
the series to decide if you want to start watching, or if you already have, if you agree with
their interpretations. Once you have finished watching, leave questions and comments to
let the brothers know what you think, and be sure to tune in next time, for the newest
episode of Comic Movie-10.

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